LinBlock (enough for 250 staining)
Blocking Reagent vor Immunohistochemistry
The use of antibodies from the same species is a common problem in immunohistochemical double staining. The “LinBlock” reagent removes the antibodies from the first staining and avoids cross reactions with the second staining. Besides the removal of the antibodies and also the simultaneous blocking of the enzyme system allows the use of two chromogenes of the same enzyme system. This application is most suitable when the antigen expression is localized on different cell membranes. A basic rule is to use the antibody always first which gives the best and clearest reagent product in single staining. Preferably also the antigen with the lowest expression should be stained first.
The LinBlock can be used for cryostat as well as paraffin sections.
There is a limit to each method: The antigen expression in the same cell e.g. nuclear/cytoplasmic or the localization of both antigens on the same cell surface often require different enzyme systems for a successful application. Thereby the antibodies should be used in the order of staining from the center outwards.
LinBlock was developed to make technical conditions easier and to improve results of double staining procedures.
Quantity | 50 ml |
Storage Temperature | 2-8 °C |
Shipping Temperature | 20 °C |
Application | IHC-F, IHC-P |