Excellent Staining in Immunohistochemistry on FFPE Tissue
The availability of highly validated monoclonal antibodies for clinically relevant tissue antigens has led to an enormous expansion in the quality of diagnosis. Take advantage of this opportunity by using the Histoprime® line.
E022 (clone HEA125) is directed against human Ep-CAM, also known as CD326, Epithelial Glycoprotein 314, MK1 or TACSTD1.
Ep-CAM is expressed on the basolateral membrane of cells in most epithelial tissues, with the exception of adult squamous epithelium and some specific epithelial cell types such as hepatocytes and gastric epithelial cells. E022 reacts intensely with all carcinomas and metastases from the intestinal tract, stomach, pancreas, liver, lung, breast, ovary, thyroid, kidney, bladder, and prostate. Keratinizing areas of a tumor mass usually remain unstained, as do sarcomas, lymphomas, melanomas, and neurogenic tumors.
TThe E022 antibody is suitable for differentiating between carcinoma and non-carcinoma in both cryostat sections and formalin-fixed kerosene sections.
The clone HEA125 is available as ready to use antibody (CatNo E022) or as concentrate (K022).
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